Good Fences Make Good Neighbors: A Helpful Blog

4 Things to Do Before Your New Fence Is Installed

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If your property is currently unfenced, you may be looking to have a fence installed as a means of increasing your privacy, boosting curb appeal, and giving you a little more separation from the outside world. Whether you opt for something basic (like a chain-link fence) or something more elaborate (like a wooden or wrought-iron fence), there are some things you’ll want to do to prepare for installation day. Check Your Contractor’s Credentials…

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Five Maintenance Tasks That Prolong The Life Of A Fence

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  1. Seasonal Inspections Every season comes with its own risk. Winter, for example, may result in loose posts or popped nails due to the freeze-thaw cycles. Spring and fall often bring wind and rain, which can blow down fence panels or lead to rot. Summer heat can cause wood boards to crack. Walk your fence line on both sides at least once per season. Check that the board, posts, and rails are in good condition with no signs of rot or exposed wood.

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Look For Ways To Incorporate Landscaping With Your New Fence

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Having new fencing installed can be a great decision when you’ve been looking for ways to improve the way that your property looks. When you would like to have fencing installed around your garden and you want to make sure that it fits in well, there’s a lot of things you can look into to make sure that the landscaping looks great once the fencing has been installed. Before getting overwhelmed with all your options for fencing, the following tips can help make sure that it blends in well with the landscaping you have and any plans you may have for the future.…

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