Having new fencing installed can be a great decision when you’ve been looking for ways to improve the way that your property looks. When you would like to have fencing installed around your garden and you want to make sure that it fits in well, there’s a lot of things you can look into to make sure that the landscaping looks great once the fencing has been installed.
Before getting overwhelmed with all your options for fencing, the following tips can help make sure that it blends in well with the landscaping you have and any plans you may have for the future.…
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If you are looking for an interesting, modern, and green fencing solution for your home, composite lumber may be the perfect solution. Composite lumber is a great choice for contemporary fence design, and it can be used to create different designs and features for your fencing, outdoor living space, and landscaping features around your home. The following guide to greener fence designs with premium composite lumber will help you start planning your fencing project:…
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If you store equipment or product outside of your business, then a security fence is a necessity. The following are five things to consider when designing the fence.
1. Height
The higher the better when it comes to security fencing, especially if the fence is meant to protect assets that are stored outdoors. A minimum height of six feet will keep most casual thieves from trying to get in, but if you want to prevent almost all chances for intrusion, you want a fence that is tall enough that someone could not easily grab the top to pull themselves over.…
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